Tax Strategy
2Eat Group Tax Strategy for the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2024
This document outlines 2Eat’s approach to risk management and governance concerning taxation. It complies with the requirements of Finance Act 2016, Schedule 19, paragraph 16(2) regarding the publication of a tax strategy.
Our Commitment
At 2Eat, we are committed to:
- Complying with all applicable tax laws and regulations in every jurisdiction where we operate. If any instances of non-compliance are identified, we aim to resolve them internally and, where necessary, with the appropriate tax authorities.
- Responsibly managing all taxes and tax risks related to our business. We ensure that strong controls are in place to uphold a high standard of integrity and professionalism in all jurisdictions in which we operate.
- Maintaining an open and constructive relationship with tax authorities.
- Actively managing our transfer pricing policy to ensure that transactions between 2Eat entities are conducted on an arm’s length basis, in line with OECD transfer pricing principles and local tax legislation.
Tax Planning and Risk Appetite
2Eat is committed to paying the correct amount of tax at the right time, ensuring the highest standards of integrity in our tax reporting globally. When supporting our operational teams, we make sure that the group’s activities are fully tax-compliant and aligned with relevant tax laws. In cases where multiple options exist, our decisions are primarily driven by commercial considerations.
We also seek to benefit from available tax incentives and reliefs, such as Research and Development tax credits in the UK, where applicable.
Relationship with Tax Authorities and HMRC (UK)
At 2Eat, we are committed to openness and transparency in our interactions with tax authorities. We maintain professional, collaborative, and transparent relationships with tax authorities to ensure fair and constructive exchanges of information about our business and tax matters.
We aim to resolve any issues with tax authorities promptly, and when disagreements occur, we work towards resolution through collaboration wherever possible. Our tax structure is based on a reasonable interpretation of relevant laws, ensuring that the outcome reflects both the letter and the intent of the law and aligns with the creation of value in our business.
Risk Management
Operating across multiple jurisdictions, 2Eat is subject to various complex tax regulations, which may sometimes be open to interpretation. The tax exposure arising from these complexities is managed by our tax team, with external advice sought where there is uncertainty about specific tax legislation.
We adopt a low-risk approach to tax management and proactively identify, assess, and monitor tax risks to ensure they align with our group’s risk appetite. However, as a multinational business, we accept a certain level of tax risk due to the uncertainties in tax legislation and the increasing complexity of international tax environments, particularly in relation to transactions between our entities.
Our tax function is overseen by the Group’s Chief Financial Officer, with the VP of Tax and support from regional tax advisors taking responsibility for day-to-day tax management. The tax team is actively involved in all commercial activities, ensuring that relevant tax considerations are included in business proposals. Clear lines of responsibility have been established, ensuring that tax decisions are made at the appropriate level within the company.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact our support team at [email protected].